Penelitian tentang Kupu-Kupu Kupu-Kupu

不锈钢止回阀Pelat kupu-kupu merupakan bagian inti dari peralatan katup kupu-kupu, yang dapat membuka, menutup dan mengatur aliran fluida dengan cara memutar porosnya sendiri pada badan katup.Papan kupu-kupu tradisional tebal dan berat serta memakan banyak bahan.


Dengan meningkatnya kekurangan sumber daya logam, persaingan pasar semakin ketat, dan desain papan kupu-kupu menjadi semakin ringan.Terutama terwujud di bagian dalam pelat kupu-kupu yang transparan, sangat tipis, dan permukaan penyegelan berkurang.Perubahan struktural ini membawa kesulitan besar pada pengecoran pelat kupu-kupu.





Many customers have not tried this type of structural design in other foundries for a long time. The main problems are that the castings are seriously deformed and cannot be corrected. After the sealing surface is processed, there are many holes and slag inclusions. After receiving orders for such casting samples, we carefully analyzed the structural characteristics of this product, combined with the use of advanced MAGMA simulation software, using the medium-temperature wax silica sol shell precision casting process, after two rounds of trial production, successfully completed the customer’s sample manufacturing task./WWW.BONLYCASTING,COM/BONLYCASTING@OUTLOOK.COM/WELCOME TO CONTACT US FOR ANY CASTING PRODUCTS


Waktu posting: 18 April-2020
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